
NextGenChef Talks: How to Start a Business
5:30 PM17:30

NextGenChef Talks: How to Start a Business

A Double-Header!

Please join NextGenChef at WeFunder headquarters as we delve into the reality of starting a regenerative food business.

KitchenTown President Shawn Hardin is a serial entrepreneur with senior-level experience leading change and innovation in companies large and small, including as the CEO of two VC-backed start-ups, as an Entrepreneur-In-Residence at top Silicon Valley Venture firms.

President and Founder of VentiQuattro Food Consulting, Giovanni is a food and beverage expert with extensive turnaround experience and a track record of helping clients break into new markets. He also maintains a keen awareness of the import and food industry and is on top of key market trends.

How to Start a Business Ticket Promo:

10% off Discount Code: NGCFriend

Enjoy beverages and refreshments from budding Foodpreneur Fraction Foods!

#eatingrightisahumanright #nextgencheftalks

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Facebook Live with Giovanni Montanelli
9:00 AM09:00

Facebook Live with Giovanni Montanelli

President and Founder of VentiQuattro Food Consulting, Giovanni is a food and beverage expert with extensive turnaround experience
and a track record of helping clients break into new markets. He also maintains a keen awareness of the import and food industry and is on top of key market trends.

Giovanni will be speaking about the following:
- Operational Manual and it’s importance
- What to Consider When Opening a Retail Store in the U.S.
- Location, location, Location!
- 2019 Outlook on U.S. Market in the Food Industry

You don't want to miss it!

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2019 ACGSF Food & Beverage Forum
5:30 PM17:30

2019 ACGSF Food & Beverage Forum

Join ACG SF on January 15th for an evening of lively roundtable discussions with top Bay Area Food & Beverage executives: Dana Bloom (CEO, Proper Food), Julie Nguyen (CEO, Methodology), Caitlin Landesberg (Founder & CEO, Sufferfest Beer Company), Alec Lee (CEO, Endless West), Kevin Nater (Founder & CEO, Briggo Coffee), Brian Durkee (President, Numi Organic Tea) and todd masonis (Co-Founder,Dandelion Chocolate) With product samplings from: Endless West, Flax4Life, GoLive® Probiotic Products, Just Date Syrup, Numi Organic Tea, Proper Food, Sufferfest Beer Company and WTN Cellars

Giovanni Montanelli, VentiQuattro's President and Founder will participate as moderator in the coffee and tea panel.

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to Oct 27

Confimprese - USA: Overview Del Mercato e Linee Guida per Sviluppare un Network in Franchising

Il settore del retail negli USA attraversa una fase di profondo cambiamento ed innovazione che è bene studiare e comprendere anche al fine di rimanere al passo con le mutate esigenze degli shopper.

I dati del 2017 e le previsioni per il prossimo anno sono positive: previsto un +1,9% di aperture nuove punti vendita in franchising negli Stati Uniti, le unità operative dovrebbero raggiungere quota 759.000 unità (+13.946 rispetto al 2017), +3,7% di assunzioni per un totale di circa 8 milioni di dipendenti impegnati in attività franchising, 757 miliardi di dollari sono invece i ricavi (+6,2% rispetto al 2017). Il franchising contribuirà per il 3% alla formazione del PIL statunitense.

L’incontro è rivolto alle imprese retail italiane interessate a cogliere le opportunità di sviluppo che questo mercato offre, con l’obiettivo di condividere know how ed esperienze concrete a supporto del processo di internazionalizzazione.

10.00 – Registrazione partecipanti

10.10 – Saluto di Benvenuto
Mario RESCA, Presidente Confimprese
Giancarlo LAMIO, Responsabile Relazioni Istituzionali ICE-Agenzia

Modera e conduce: Francesco OLDANIVice Capo Servizio Mark Up e Gdo Week

10.15 – Fare business in USA: overview macroeconomica
Temi macroeconomici, real estate e lavoro
Alessio GAMBINO, CEO Ibs North America

10.40 – La normativa americana sul franchising
Valerio PANDOLFINI, Avvocato Studio Pandolfini

11.00 – Come creare una rete in franchising
Case history di successo: Gio Gelati, Eclettico e W+L
Giovanni MONTANELLI, CEO VentiQuattro Food Consulting

11.20 – Tre consigli strategici per fare business in franchising negli Stati Uniti
Michael SEID, Managing Director MSA Worldwide  

11.30 – Chiusura lavori sessione plenaria
Networking Coffee Break e incontri B2B con delegazione di operatori americani (in collaborazione con ICE Agenzia New York)


Per prenotare un appuntamento con la delegazione inviare un’email a: SEGRETERIAGENERALE@CONFIMPRESE.IT

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4:00 PM16:00

The Export of Italian Food Products to North America (specifically United States of America) - focused on cured meats and cheeses sectors

  • Chambers of Commerce - Verona (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Studio Legale Santosuosso Avvocati - Lexcom in collaboration with Nomisma Società di Studi Economici is hosting a seminar on October 23rd 2018 at 4.00pm-6.30pm (Italian time zone) at Chamber of Commerce in Verona, Sala Industria, Italy, Corso Porta Nuova 96.

The theme is "The Export of Italian Food Products to North America, with a Focus on Cured Meats and Cheeses Sector".

Giovanni Montanelli, VentiQuattro's President and Founder will present information and success stories on the "Strategic Considerations of a Commercial Direction".

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